Protect your décolletage.

Chest Lines

chest lines and wrinkles
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If the fine lines and wrinkles in your chest area are starting to bother you, we can help. The most popular way to develop these lines is to ignore this area when it comes to applying your sunscreen. The chest skin is thinner than the skin on the rest of the body, and therefore, can be even more prone to sun damage. You don’t want to skip the sunscreen in this area. Another reason for developing these lines can be how you sleep.

Are you a chronic side-sleeper? For women, especially larger breasted women, sleeping on your side may make you notice vertical lines faster.

The longer this goes on the longer these lines are etched in your skin making them difficult for them to go away on their own. Our expert nurse injectors can help minimize these lines. We love forward to discussing your concerns during a complimentary consultation.



Treatment Instructions

If you’re getting ready to have treatment, or if you’ve just had it, read our pre and post treatment instructions so you can take proper care of yourself every step of the way.

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