Happy New Year!

Let’s start the year off right, shall we? For many of us that means making New Year’s Resolutions, but sometimes New Year’s Resolutions can feel overwhelming. This year, we’re not as big on “new year, new me”, but rather “new year, best me”. The truth is, at Facial Aesthetics, we’re constantly learning, evolving, sharpening our skills, and sharing our knowledge. We want to be the best…for you.  

 If you’ve already given some thought to this new year, and the things that come to mind have you striving to better yourself…know that it doesn’t have to feel daunting. It can be quite fun if you’re open to it. Simply take making your bed every morning as an example. Did you know that there are proven mental health benefits to doing this? Increased productivity, better sleep, and reduced feelings of anxiety are just a few!  

 One thing to consider is committing to small sustainable actions you can make every day to improve your quality of life. Because we work in aesthetics, we’re giving you some bite size recommendations for how you can improve your wellbeing as it relates to aesthetics – we call this: aesthetic wellness – which is the act of practicing healthy habits that support feeling beautiful inside and out. 

Achieve Aesthetic Wellness

Consider adopting these six habits in 2023:

Wear SPF…every day

We’re big on sunscreen here in The Beauty Room. Like really big on it. And that’s not just because we like covering our skin with soft, soothing lotion. Wearing sunscreen every day has been proven to help prevent signs of aging and of course protect against melanoma. You owe it to yourself to wear sunscreen every day this year, specifically on your face, at an SPF of 30 of greater. Especially in our high UV climate here in Denver – wearing sunscreen is a great way to care for your skin. If you have to choose just one of these habits… let this be it. 

p.s. don’t neglect the neckbring that sunscreen right down to your chest. Don’t just stop at the chin. Your neck reveals your age. The skin is thinner on the neck and décolleté than it is on your face, which makes it at greater risk for environmental damage. 

Get better sleep (sans the makeup)

A restful night of sleep is so underrated. We’re talking getting yourself 7-8 hours a night. Sleep helps balance your hormones, prevent inflammation, reduces stress and improve your mood. Set some realistic goals when it comes to sleep. Maybe even set a timer to start getting ready for bed at night. 

*A reminder to remove the makeup before hitting the pillow.* 

women in activewear
Move your body, stretch your body, love your body

As we age, staying active should remain a top priority. Whether that’s a 45-minute yoga practice, a ten minute jog, a 20 minute walk, an hour kickboxing class or 5-10 minutes of stretching, moving your body will be sure to make you feel good about the skin you’re in. You choose the type of exercise you’re into but prioritizing movement every day in 2023 will be sure to help you achieve aesthetic wellness. 

Find your routine

Maybe it’s a skin care routine or maybe it’s not. For those who want to care for their skin better – this might mean making 2023 the year you find the proper ingredients and products that work for your skin. For those who have their skin care routine dialed in, it might be waking up and drinking a tall glass of lemon water, making your bed, meditating, or taking your vitamins. Whatever you do – find a morning (and evening) groove that work for you and get you excited to get going or complete the day. Small doable tasks can have a big impact. And may we recommend skipping the screen time as part of these am/pm routines. Try to unplug and be present. It helps you commit to your day and be productive.  

Commit to your treatments

If you’re going to rely on the help of a skin care professional (highly recommend, btw!), then be ready to make a commitment to getting what you want. If your goal is to say goodbye to sun damage, or fine lines and wrinkles, or acne or any other skin care concern…stay the course. Your skin care buddy makes a treatment plan recommendation for a reason. You should be able to tell if they know their stuff during the consultation. Ask questions, do your homework, ask them about their experience. While the first step is finding the right fit and feeling confident that your provider will deliver on the results that you want, this will take some commitment from your end. Rome wasn’t built in a day, remember? Don’t miss those regular Botox appointments. Don’t postpone a skin care treatment or only get a facial once a year. If you didn’t see full resolution after one single treatment, know that in most cases, that is completely normal. We want to get you to your goals the fastest we know how but making time for treatment in your life must remain a priority if you want to reach your aesthetic goals. 

We hope you enjoyed this short list of tiny habits you can practice as we jump into this new year. Keep following along in The Beauty Room or feel free to send us any questions you might have that you’d like our experts to answer this year. We love hearing from you. 

 Wishing you a safe, healthy and happy 2023!