Your blood. Your benefit.

PRP Injections

prp treatment

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatment is also known as the ‘vampire facial’ and uses your body’s own PRP to rejuvenate your appearance. Our blood is made up of red cells, white cells, and platelets. The platelets contain hundreds of proteins called growth factors which are very important for healing the body.

PRP treatment in our Denver, Superior, Golden and Greenwood clinics starts with a nurse drawing your blood which is then placed into a centrifuge in order to separates out the platelets. Platelet rich plasma is left behind and this is used during your facial process.

PRP works naturally to boost collagen to rejuvenate the skin on your face and:

  • Reduce the look of wrinkles
  • Plump up sagging skin
  • Remove creases
  • Reduce acne scars
  • Improve overall complexion
PRP for women

The magic happens when the PRP is applied during one of the following treatments:


  • Microneedling (SkinPen or Vivace)
    Applied topically, the skin is more receptive to the platelet-rich plasma due to the tiny micro channels in the skin that have been opened from the micro needling treatment
  • Halo Laser
    Applied topically, the PRP is spread over the skin post-HALO, to heal and smooth the skin and increase collagen production
  • Injectable treatment
    PRP is injected by syringe directly into the skin to boost collagen production

During any of the above treatments, you will be using your own growth-factor-packed platelets to refresh and restore your skin. A 100% natural serum.

Frequently Asked Questions

You may have heard the term “Vampire Facial”? With the drawing of the blood and using your own platelet-rich blood to rejuvenate and brighten your facial appearance – you can understand how the name was born.

The benefits of the PRP facial include:

  • Improves skin texture
  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Promotes new skin cell growth
  • Stimulates collagen production
  • Firms and tightens skin

After your facial, your face may be red while it heals. In the days following, a healthy, beautiful glow will be revealed.

Treatment Instructions

If you’re getting ready to have treatment, or if you’ve just had it, read our pre and post treatment instructions so you can take proper care of yourself every step of the way.

Got a Question?

We’ve got an answer (and very quick response times)!

Send us a message. We look forward to helping you address your concerns and reach your aesthetic goals.

Book Your PRP Consultation

A Free Consultation At Our Denver, Superior, Golden or Greenwood Village Clinic

Contact Facial Aesthetics today to request your free initial consultation. Our team can help find the perfect treatment for you.

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