You’ve got ‘em, we’ve got ‘em.

Forehead Lines

forehead lines and wrinkles
facial aesthetics badge

Forehead lines, also known as worry lines, can be frustrating, but they’re nothing to raise your brow over. As annoying and stubborn as they may be, lines on the forehead are very common, because our eyebrows are responsible for so many of our expressions. At Facial Aesthetics, we treat forehead lines with neurotoxin-based injectables.

They are wrinkle reducers that are strategically placed to relax the muscles under the skin. It ultimately prevents the muscle from creating the facial expression, which makes you unable to create the wrinkle, resulting in a smoother, relaxed appearance. Schedule your complimentary consultation with one of our expert aesthetic nurses today.



Treatment Instructions

If you’re getting ready to have treatment, or if you’ve just had it, read our pre and post treatment instructions so you can take proper care of yourself every step of the way.

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